Here we are again, Lord.
Another school shooting in America.
How long must we return to you before this ends?
How many more mothers and fathers must weep for their little angels?
This is enough! You are not a God of violence!
So did you see this coming and didn’t stop it?
The bullets that ripped through walls and bodies like paper.
Did you know what was planned and didn’t warn us?
The temple of safety that was trusted as their only defense.
Another community mourns in anger, in fear, and in grief.
Their confidence gives way to terror, debate, and blaming.
Who will lead them and be the voice of reason and change?
Can we trust the politicians who promise to fix our hearts?
Can we trust the clergy to call down a miracle from heaven?
Can we trust the administrators to know what is best for our babies?
Can we trust the journalists to divide what is true from false?
Lord, I am grieving for the shooter and their family.
Father, I can’t see how loose gun control laws are a good thing.
Jesus, I am concerned about the role of mental health in this case.
Spirit, I can’t imagine the internal conflict of self hate and despair.
So I turn once again to the beginning and end of my faith. YOU!
Protect my children from intruders in their place of refuge.
Give my children your secure attachment of love and hope.
Show us that you are working by changing systems and saving souls.
Where else can I put my trust, except in the God of justice.
You wept before any of us – for the loss of your children.
And so I weep with you – so that my tears may be comforted.
And I will work with you to bring an end to this violence.
In the strong name of Jesus. – Amen.