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Day 35 - He has overcome the world

March 29, 2021 11:10 AM
Day 35 - He has overcome the world
READ John 16:33(NIV)I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. DEVO Near the end of their last meal together, just before Jesus is handed over to be crucified, the disciples seem to finally understand who Jesus is and feel confident in their future. However, in words that sound made for our current time, Jesus warns that things won’t always be easy. Their faith will be tested and they will be scattered “each to their own home.” But even in times of trouble we are to “take heart” and “have courage” because Jesus has overcome the worst the world can offer. He has triumphed over death and, through him, so have we. PRAY Jesus, in our times of fear and uncertainty, give us courage. Let our lives be filled with the sure and certain knowledge that you are with us and that in you we are safe from the world’s troubles.