You're Invited for some Fall Fun!
Join us for Fall Festival

Saturday, October 19, for a day of Framily fun! We'll have trunk-or-treat for the kiddos, a chili cook-off, games and more! We plan to have trunk-or-treating outside but will move inside in the event of rain.

We need your help! There are several ways to participate, whether it be donating candy, hosting a trunk-or-treat vehicle, setting up or tearing down, or entering the chili cook-off. 



New Sermon Series: Re-formed Politics: Aligning With Jesus in a Divided World

Humans are deeply social beings. We’re constantly taking in information— whether we realize it or not— about what’s important and what is right or wrong. This means that emotionally charged elements of our culture like our political climate is one of many things that is forming and shaping us without us even realizing it. 

However, as followers of Jesus, we have made a commitment to make sure that the main thing forming us is the Spirit and character of Jesus Christ. In this sermon series, we will explore some of  the  ways  our political climate forms us and what invitations God has for us to help us avoid being formed by the wrong thing.

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