Click the tabs for responses to common questions about the 2023 Sabbatical. Don't see an answer to one of your questions? Contact Pastor Micah or Terry Chi.

Questions & Answers

Pastors play an important role in nourishing the spiritual lives of the church and guide the ministry to serve the needs of our community. Pastor Rich has been in full-time ministry since 2005 without taking more than 6 weeks away (a mini-sabbatical in 2018). Read his sabbatical letter to the congregation for more background.

Jesus said God created the weekly Sabbath day to care for us (Genesis 2:3; Mark 2:27). Remembering to keep the Sabbath is the fourth of the Ten Commandments; it’s a day that God especially blessed for us to remind us that we are his creation and that he has delivered us from slavery (Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15). 

Pastor Rich will begin his sabbatical Mon., June 5, 2023, and return to the church Sun., Sept. 10, 2023. During that time, he will be completely relieved of his leadership responsibilities at Sanctuary including preaching, leading and counseling.

Sanctuary is one of 168 churches across the country to receive a grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc. that covers the cost of the sabbatical experience for our pastor as well as experiences for the congregation. We are grateful for the grant to cover all expenses. 

Pastor Rich, Shalla and the kids have a well-planned sabbatical. They’ve provided a rough itinerary here for us to follow their travel. They will focus their reflection on discovering new rhythms of sabbath rest while reclaiming their identity as a beloved family of God. 

We are blessed to have a relational pastor who loves to spend time with people, but during this season he will not be available to the congregation. His personal phone number will change and he will not be reachable by email. However, PR will attend service Sun., Aug. 13, to receive a certificate in spiritual direction. Don’t miss it!

Our Associate Pastor, Micah Morgan, will assume the lead pastor responsibilities during this period. Terry Chi will continue coordinating the day to day operations of the church. Other staff and elders are adding their time and energy to lead and care well for us. 

The most noticeable thing will be that we will have just one Sunday service June 4 - Sept. 3 at 10 a.m. We will have a rotation of guest preachers and members from our preaching team to speak on topics about spiritual renewal. 

Attend worship regularly during the summer: Your presence is a gift to others who gather to learn from God through singing, engaging scripture and serving.

Serve on a Sunday morning ministry team: With one service, we anticipate an average attendance of 300 in our building. So we will need parking attendants, ushers, RCK volunteers, worship and production teams. 

Meet a new person and get to know them: Summer is a great time to meet some new people and share your stories together. 

Write a gift of appreciation to staff and elders: Our leaders serve by the grace of God and are blessed by our encouragement. Share the love. 

Pray for Pastor Rich to be renewed in his friendship with Jesus: We believe that our prayers to Jesus will meet our pastor and his family in powerful, practical, and personal ways.